Shame ✧ Guilt ✧ Fear ✧ Sadness ✧ Anger

An invitation to transcend youremotions & unleashe your lightness

Understanding, accepting and using your emotions is by far one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. This will allow you to empty the overflow that weighs down your daily life, drastically reduce your reactions to your environment and access a life where joy and serenity are easily part of your daily life.

These workshops are for you if you want to:

✧ Lighten your life by developing your emotional intelligence

✧ Free yourself from your emotions healthily

✧ Improve harmony in your relationships

✧ Feel better in your body

✧ Get out of fatigue to increase your energy level

✧ Activate your inner fire to maximize your vitality and creativity

N.B. This series has been presented at several international festivals in front of hundreds of participants who, for the most part, have experienced one of the greatest releases of their lives.

I invite you to watch this video theimmediate effect on your inner state!

Pssst. This is just a brief overview of what you’ll experience in these 5 workshops.

What you will experience in this series of 5 workshops:

✧ Teaching to better understand each emotion and their meaning

✧ Cleaning of emotions through singing and crystal bowls

✧ Regulation of the nervous system

✧ The support of a group to experience everything gently

✧ Significant release of the 5 common emotions: Fear, shame, sadness, anger and guilt

Desire for a lighter, more harmonious life, to honor
and name your needs and rekindle your vitality and creativity?

Choosing to fully live in all our essence (and not just survive!) takes courage, because for many of us, it’s a path that’s unknown to us or that we have forgotten. Some will be afraid of wasting their time or that it won’t work. Others will postpone the moment when they have to face to certain gray areas and expand their comfort zone. That’s why being in a safe space, accompanied by a trusted person makes all the difference. all the difference.

Mariève Lemay

Certified coach, author and international speaker

Would you like to live this experience in a private group? Write to me!

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