11 days to kick out all the heavy emotions

A proven and tested technique

to effectively free yourself from past emotions.

Did you know that?

According to Dr Bradley Nelson, the average adult human has 250 emotions trapped in their body. They are the cause of 90% of our physical and psychological ailments (anxiety, depression, skin problems, insomnia, low self-esteem, lack of self-love, chronic illness, back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, etc.).

Imagine the energy it takes for your body to contain all these emotions! And then we wonder wonder why we’re so tired and feel like a grey cloud is constantly following us.

From my experience, releasing my emotional overload allowed me to immediately feel much lighter, completely eliminate my physical pains, regulate my mood swings, no longer be as reactive to my environment, and fully inhabit my body.

Does this resonate with you?

For you if you wish to :

  • Free yourself from hundreds of emotions quickly
  • Decrease your level of reactivity to external factors
  • Harmonize your relationships
  • Feel lighter in your body
  • Get out of fatigue to increase your energy level
  • Activate your inner fire to maximize vitality and creativity
  • Take control of your life
  • Connect deeply with yourself and those around you
  • Fully inhabit your body
  • Easily feel joy, serenity and love

Visualization content

Inherited emotions from your mother (23 min.)

This type of emotion is passed on to us by our biological mother at the time of our conception. They can come from several generations and can also be passed on to our children. This visualization allows you to release all these emotions for yourself as well as for your ancestors and descendants.

To be done 1-3 times, as needed. The emotions that are released will not return, so it is not necessary to repeat it more often.

Inherited emotions from your father (23 min)

This type of emotion is passed on to us by our biological father at the time of our conception. They can come from several generations and can also be passed on to our children. This visualization allows you to release all these emotions for yourself as well as for our ancestors and descendants.

To be done 1-3 times, as needed. The emotions that are released will not return, so it’s not necessary to repeat it more often.

Absorbed emotions from your mother's womb (15 min)

As soon as we arrive in our mother’s womb, it’s very likely that we absorb her emotions. Even the best mother who perfectly regulates her emotions can transmit these emotions to her baby. This vizualisation allows you to navigate through the three trimesters and completely release them.

To be done 1-3 times, as needed. The emotions that are released will not return, so it’s not necessary to repeat it more often.

General absorbed emotions (16 min)

Whether you’re hypersensitive or not, there’s a good chance that you absorb emotions from other people. It can be a person you regularly interact with, but also a person who is unknown to you and who was within a short distance of you. Since we’re all made of energy (and emotions are energy!), it’s normal to capture that of others and that it sometimes mixes with our own.

This visualization can be done as often as necessary to cleanse yourself of what doesn’t belong to you.

Heart wall (26 min)

Some emotions block around the heart and create a wall, which prevents you from fully living your life. There’s often more than one wall, from experience I’ve seen up to 5. With a lot of gentleness and always respecting your body, this visualization will allow you to release all the emotions blocked around your heart, one wall at a time.

To be done 1-3 times, as needed. The emotions that are released will not return, so it’s not necessary to repeat it more often. However, it’s possible that new emotions lodge there following more difficult events of everyday life. I recommend you redo it every 6 months.


6 regular emotion release visualizations (17-24 min)

We also accumulate emotions that are created by us. Generally, this happens when we don’t take the time to fully regulate an emotion. The energy that hasn’t been release then lodges in our body.

Each emotion has its personal vibration, which is why they are separated for better results. There are 4 basic emotions, namely: anger, sadness, fear and joy (some will add disgust and surprise). When they are not fully experienced, they get blocked in the body and form feelings, like guilt and shame. There are more than 60 feelings. The visualizations have been created to release the emotions and the whole range of blocked feelings. If you want to know more, know that there’s a complete program on emotions, just click here!

These visualizations can be done as often as necessary to cleanse yourself of unregulated emotions.

Anger (17 min)

Sadness (17 min)

Fear (17 min)

Shame (24 min)

Guilt (24 min)

Joy (17 min)

Would you like to free yourself from old, heavy emotions?

What you get for only $55:

✧ An 11-day emotional release process

✧ 11 vizualisations between 15 and 24 mins/day

✧ A total of 3 hours of content

✧ Low-cost access at $55 (value of over +$300)

✧ Effective, lasting and tangible results